Image Source : https://diversitydashboard.co.uk/resources/Advice-and-Opinion/2022/07/importance-of-staff-networks-the-role-they-can-play-fostering-diversity-and-inclusion/
Diversifying clinical trials is of utmost importance in advancing medical research and ensuring equitable healthcare outcomes. By including a diverse range of participants, including individuals of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds, we can gain a deeper understanding of how medical interventions work across various populations. This approach allows us to identify potential differences in treatment efficacy, adverse reactions, and overall health outcomes that might otherwise go unnoticed. Diversifying clinical trials also promotes inclusivity, reduces health disparities, and helps create tailored treatments that cater to the unique needs of diverse patient populations. Ultimately, it paves the way for more effective, safe, and equitable healthcare for all.
Key Research Findings about Culturally Sensitive Communication
Increase information accessibility:
Several participants noted that they have never been approached about clinical studies and didn’t have access to this type of information. They recommended that researchers provide information in various forms and reach out specifically to their communities.
Address needs of underrepresented groups:
Participants suggested that consideration must be given to marginalized members in their communities. While electronic mail and social media could reach a large audience, they also recommended more traditional forms of communication and grassroot efforts to reach the elderly, the impoverished and other underrepresented communities.
Increase information transparency:
Provide as many details as possible about the clinical trial process, the protections, protocols, ethics, and possible risks and benefits to facilitate decision-making.
Offer meaningful compensation:
Offer meaningful compensation based on audience needs, time commitments, possible risks etc.
Acknowledge past unethical practices:
Acknowledge past unethical practices to overcome strong feelings of mistrust in clinical trials, particularly in African American communities.
Increase community outreach efforts:
Share clinical trials information at the community level. Some specific suggestions were to present information at trusted cultural venues such as churches and cultural centers and utilizing booths and tables in “Asia” towns and festivals.
Credible and relatable sources:
Use trustworthy messengers such as medical and research professionals from the racial group and ethnic subgroups of the target audience. It would also help to hear from actual participants in clinical studies.
Consider sub-groups within their communities:
Consider the complexities within communities. For example, provide information in different languages for various ethnic groups within Asian communities.
Be authentic:
While it was important to share cultural similarities with the messenger and the audience, it was also vital that the communication remain transparent and authentic.
If there was a little bit more transparency, more accountability, something that was more upfront to show that this is equal for everybody as far as how you selected us so it doesn't appear that we're being singled out, I think that will go a long way in promoting more participation. (46-year-old male participant in Bridging Gaps study)